Understanding Canada’s New LMIA Rules: How They Affect Jobs for Foreign Workers in 2024

Punjab Mode
6 Min Read

In September 2024, Canada made some big changes to its Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) rules. These changes are important for both employers who need workers and people from other countries who want to work in Canada. This article explains the new LMIA rules and how they change the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program.

What is LMIA?
LMIA is a process that Canadian employers go through to hire foreign workers. They need to prove that no Canadians are available to do the job. These new LMIA rules are designed to help more Canadians find jobs while still allowing foreign workers to come if needed.

Key Changes to the LMIA Program

1. Stopping LMIAs in High-Unemployment Areas
In some areas where unemployment is 6% or higher, Canada has stopped allowing employers to use LMIAs to hire foreign workers for low-wage jobs. This is because they want local Canadians to get jobs first. However, certain industries are exempt from this rule.

Industries Exempt from the Suspension
Some industries like farming, food processing, fish processing, construction, and healthcare are very important to the economy. These industries are allowed to keep hiring foreign workers, even in areas with high unemployment.

2. Fewer Foreign Workers Allowed
The number of foreign workers companies can hire has been reduced from 20% of their workforce to 10%. This means that most companies can only hire fewer foreign workers now.

Industries with Exceptions
Some industries, like agriculture, healthcare, and food processing, are still allowed to hire more foreign workers because they don’t have enough local workers to fill the jobs.

3. Shorter Work Contracts for Low-Wage Jobs
Before, foreign workers in low-wage jobs could work in Canada for two years. Now, that time has been reduced to one year. This encourages employers to look for local workers or offer permanent jobs.

How This Affects Workers
Foreign workers may need to reapply for jobs more often. They should also plan their stay in Canada carefully if they want to stay for a long time or become permanent residents.

Past Changes to Prevent LMIA Fraud

Before the September changes, Canada had already introduced rules in August 2024 to prevent LMIA fraud. These rules made sure that employers weren’t misusing the system to replace Canadian workers with cheaper foreign labor.

Enforcing the 20% Cap
Earlier rules set a 20% limit on how many foreign workers a company could hire for low-wage jobs. The September changes made this limit even stricter by lowering it to 10%.

Increased Monitoring of Companies
The government is now watching companies more closely to make sure they follow the rules. Companies that break the rules can face penalties.

Higher LMIA Fees

The government is considering increasing the fees for LMIAs to cover the cost of reviewing applications. This could help reduce fake or unnecessary applications.

How This Helps
By raising fees, Canada hopes to make sure only serious companies apply for LMIAs, helping real job shortages get filled by foreign workers.

Special Exceptions and Quebec’s Rules

Some regions, like Quebec, have their own rules. For example, Quebec has stopped processing LMIAs for jobs that pay below the average hourly wage of $27.40. This is part of Quebec’s effort to prioritize local workers.

Why These Exceptions Matter
These exceptions are important because different parts of Canada face different job challenges. Some industries really need foreign workers, so the government has made exceptions to keep those sectors running.

The Future of LMIA and the TFW Program

The Canadian government is always looking for ways to improve the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. They want to make sure that it helps fill job gaps without taking opportunities away from Canadians.

Evaluations Coming Soon
In the next few months, Canada will review the TFW program for high-wage jobs. There might be more changes to ensure that it keeps meeting the country’s needs.


Canada’s new LMIA rules are designed to protect Canadian workers while also addressing the country’s need for foreign workers in certain industries. Employers need to follow these rules closely to avoid penalties, and foreign workers should understand how these changes might affect them.

By staying informed, both employers and workers can take advantage of the opportunities in Canada while following the new regulations.

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